Monday, June 18, 2012

Little stinker

Every mom has a poop story, and I am no exception. Little Man doesn't poop often, as many breast fed babies don't, but when he does it's rather epic.

The first story happened a couple weeks after he came home, when the poop seemed to stop. I'd spoken to his doctor and knew not to worry. I was sitting in my recliner in pajamas pants and my nursing bra, because we had just finished a nursing session. Little Man sat on my leg, his body reclining against mine, enjoying being upright to check the room out. I felt his little body tense, his legs shooting out straight. I knew that meant he was pooping, which made me happy because it had been several days. Then I felt the wetness on my leg. I looked down and realized he had suffered a blow out, a massive diaper malfunction. There was poop all down my front and all down his legs. He just sat there happily squirming, spreading it around. I stripped us both down, gave him a bath and wiped his changing table down with Lysol wipes. As I straightened up and went to go sit down, I glanced down at him in his bed. I could swear he was smilin about the whole thing.

The second story happened yesterday. Poor Little Man had diarrhea (bad mommy had dairy Friday) and was going constantly. As I was changing his diaper I realized I'd left his picu cream (equal parts eucerin cream, aquafor and zinc oxcide we got from the hospital) and sent my husband to fetch it. I knew better than to leave him uncovered so I pulled the clean diaper up from underneath him. As I reached to get the jar of cream in my husband's hand, there was a very wet sound. I looked down and realized I needed another clean diaper. And new clothes for the baby. Apparently diapers only kind of work when they aren't fastened.
I'm sure there will be more incidents, and I will be sure to share them. I'm quite certain he will appreciate the record twenty years from now.

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