Saturday, July 14, 2012

The good stuff

It was brought to my attention that I only share the bad on facebook, so I've decided to take some time to share sole of the good. Little Man is a very good baby. He doesn't fuss often, usually when he needs something. In the rare occassion that he does fuss, I am somewhat at a loss since it doesn't usually happen. So you hear about it.

He has amazing head control for a two month old. I rarely have to support his head. He doesn't have fine muscle control, but he's definately ahead of schedule.

He isn't sleeping as much as I want, but he's usually pretty cheerful about it. He smiles and coos and wiggles and makes it impossible to be mad. Even exhausted I can't help but smile.

He is so cute I can't go anywhere without causing a stir.

He discovered splashing the other day. I think I'm going to be getting wet at bath time.

He loves tv, which daddy always has on. But he doesn't have the attention span to follow it for very long.

He's really good with strangers. I can leave him with anyone and he's ok with that.

There's a lot of tough times with a newborn, but the good far outweighs the bad. Please don't take my complaints to mean I love it any less. I'm just venting.

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