Tuesday, July 10, 2012

No more minitor

I don't know if I talked about it much, but Little Man came home on a heart monitor. It kept an eye on his heart as well as his breathing. The first week he was home he had a few alarms, though they weren't terribly scary for me since I was used to them from the hospital. But since May 10, he hasn't had a single alarm. I started trying to get him off it at the end of May. Finally on June 22 I had had enough. Anthony had sores on his chest from both the band and the pads and I simply refused to use an unecesary peice if equipment that was starting to hurt him. So for the first time in my lufe, I stood up to a doctor and took him off it. I have no regrets. I love being able to just grab the baby and wander around the house. And Anthony seems to like being able to squirm without getting tangled in his leads. Yesterday I turned it back in the supply company. Here's to my healthy baby boy. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry I hadn't seen this post earlier...all I have to say is YIPPIE!!!!
