Sunday, September 16, 2012


Since we got home from Wisconsin, we've had a whole different baby. He's fussy, he doesn't sleep as well, and he isn't easily calmed. Logically, I'm sure the change means he's teething, but he seems to be missing the classic signs. His gums aren't swollen and have only been red in one small spot a few times. He isn't drooling to much, either. So I can't solidly say he's teething. I give him Tylenol but that just brings a whole new set of problems. Every time I give him a dose, he goes to sleep. The only time he sleeps through the night is if I give him a dose. I called his doctor's office to see if it was ok to give him regular doses and don't feel like I got any help. The nurse told me I don't want to "dose him around the clock" and not to exceed 5 doses in 24 hours. No answer on whether or not it's ok to give him a dose (or three) every single day. I don't know what's normal fussy and what's teething fussy. I feel more lost than I have since he finally came home from the hospital.

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