Thursday, June 21, 2012

Baby overload

So it's been a crazy week!
After the worst diarrhea Little Man's had yet, he didn't give me a wet diaper for eight hours. Well, maybe. There was one diaper where maybe half an inch of the wetness indicator said he'd peed, but it didn't feel like it. So I called the doctor and got an appointment. In the half an hour I was at the doctor's, he peed three times! Little turkey. He now weighs 10 pounds and is 23 inches long, I believe.
Today we went to lactation to transition to the larger nipple shield. He's been refusing to maintain a latch and abusing my nipples, so I was definitely concerned. While there the consultant and I were discussing how inconsistent his diarrhea is, and how he has it when I'm not good and doesn't have it when I'm bad. She doesn't think it's an issue of being unable to process dairy, she thinks it's lactose overload from an overabundant milk supply (I can pump six ounces per breast in one pumping) causing the problem. She recommended block feeding, meaning I keep putting him to the same breast until it's drained. We'll see how it goes. I'm not getting too crazy with the dairy, just in case, but I had ice cream for the first time in a month tonight.
I'm also having trouble with anger lately, usually around feedings. I'm not talking a little irritated, I mean full on explosive hostility. The only other time I felt anything like it is when I'm detoxing off of steroids from my asthma and bronchitis issues. I don't know where it comes from (I have some issues with anger anyway because of abuse when I was young. You can read about those issues in my Fragile Minded blog.) only that I want to destroy things. It's hard because I can't vent since I'm holding Anthony. A couple of times I've had to put him down and walk away.
So that's why there hasn't been a blog for a few days. I will keep you up to date as things develop, but for now he's asleep, so I need to be too.

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