Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy baby noises and a long weekend

So this week Little Man started making what I refer to as happy baby noises. I think it's baby babble, but what is know it is is stinking cute. He'll coo and make sort of high pitched drawn out  "ah" sounds. Even the lactation consultant thought they are adorable. I'm completely biased, so it was nice to have the conformation.

Saturday was a bad day for us. From midnight Friday night until ten on Saturday night he only slept a total of seven hours. My husband had watched him at one point so I had a little bit more sleep, but not a lot. By the time I got him asleep and in his bassinet, I barely made it to my pillow before I dropped off. I'm wondering if I'm not doing the block feeding right, if I'm giving him one breast too long. I have no idea how to tell if a breast is empty. So I went back to what I had been doing, giving him one breast each feeding, alternating between feedings. It's more comfortable for me during the overnight anyway.

Little Man is the squirmiest sleeper I've ever seen and I used to work in a daycare. He grunts and wheezes, stretches and raises his legs, rolling from his back to his side and back. He'll tighten his arms until they shake, raising them straight up in the air. Then he'll give me a sleep smile and be still, only to do it again in ten or fifteen minutes. It's cute to watch, but when I'm tired and just want to sleep, my heart drops every time...

1 comment:

  1. Love the baby talk. :) Call me crazy but I coo right back to the baby.

    You mean to tell me by evening you aren't so drained that it feels like your boobs are "floppy". You my friend, are lucky. I hate that feeling. I even once called the lactation consultant and asked why my boobs feel deflated. lol.

    Lucas makes those noises in the morning when he tries to go back to sleep. For him though, it is because he has to poop. For some reason he has a hard time pooping when he is laying down. So I sit him up and let him poop, change him, then lay him back down. And back to sleep he goes.
