Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sleep, baby, sleep

The night never seemed so long before Little Man. I never knew how little sleep I could function on. I read a lot of articles and baby books, and I talk to my friends that are moms. And I'm conflicted on the subject of sleep. Or, more specifically, helping Little Man to differentiate between night and day. I try to dim the lights, but I struggle with turning off the tv (he nurses for 45 minutes. I need something to occupy my mind!), and not talking to him much. He tends to be fairly alert from 8:00 pm until midnight and I want to interact with him when he's awake. The other night I decided as long as I could stay awake, I would play with my son if he was awake. So of course he hasn't had a prolonged awake period since.

He seems to be having some sleep issues. I started keeping a log to see how much sleep he gets, because frequently during the day he's only sleeping an hour at a time. Yesterday was the first full day and he got 12 hours. He seems to be having some tummy troubles, which isn't really helping. He has been spitting up and seems to be uncomfortable at times. I wish there was something I could do to help him feel better.

This of course raises questions with me and I'm not sure where to look for answers. I don't know if I should call his doctor since it's not really a doctor issue. I've considered calling my Lactation consultant, because I worry it's food related. I tried books and articles, but can't seem to find anything helpful. (Off topic but What to Expect the First Year isn't particularly helpful with a preemie, since they run on their own time table.) I don't know how to help him.
He also makes lots of noises in his sleep, grunts, sighs and squeaks, as well as occasionally crying briefly. I don't know if that's just what babies do or if it's part of his tummy troubles.

Did I mention I worry a lot?

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